Course Curriculum

A 6-week introductory training-in-mindfulness program designed to introduce mindfulness practices in a simple and clear progression to integrate mindfulness practice into life.

    1. Intro to Mindfulness Video

    2. Survey Participation

    3. Guided Meditation

    4. Journal Download

    5. Journal Entry #1

    1. Posture Tips

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. Journal Entry #3

    4. Daily Mindfulness Practice

    1. Working With the Wandering Mind

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. Journal Entry #4

    4. Daily Mindfulness Practice

    1. Guided Meditation

    2. Journal Entry #5

    3. Mindfulness in Everyday Life

    4. Daily Mindfulness Practice

    5. Quote

    1. Guided Meditation

    2. Journal Entry #6

    3. Daily Mindfulness Practice

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 198 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Course + Direct Support

  • $99.00

    Six-week Introductory Training in Mindfulness S.I.T. + Direct Support w/ Instructor

    Includes course material + 4 emails and a 15 minute phone call with the instructor over your time in the course
    Get Started