Live + Homestudy Online Course 

Taught by Dr. Rochelle Calvert, PhD/ Certified Mindfulness Teacher

This course is an opportunity to learn to practice mindfulness and somatic meditations in nature to support you healing the traumas/wounds/intensities you have experienced.

The places of trauma you have experienced in your life need your attention and loving care. Most often we have a difficult experience and just “move on” from it. However, when we approach these difficult experiences in this way- we don’t really get a chance to heal or resolve from the difficulty. And in these cases trauma becomes stuck in our bodies, impacts the ways in which we experience freedom and ability to experience the relationships and activities we may want to enjoy in life.

The teachings and practices offered in this course are a path to healing. They are designed to provide you safe and supportive practices to explore healing the places you may feel trauma has caused you to be stuck. Mindfulness, somatic healing, and nature invite you to come home to yourself, to reside with ease, possibility, and love in your life. Take this journey of healing for yourself to support transforming trauma and fully living into your life.

Course curriculum

6 Weeks worth of guided teachings in the form of video and audio lessons and meditations, reflection exercises, and journaling exercises.

    1. Part 1: Mindfulness Agreement

    2. Week 1 Recorded Zoom Teaching

    1. Part 1: Mindfulness in Nature - Video Teaching

    2. Part 2: Breath Awareness in Nature Meditation

    1. Part 1: Teaching Reflection

    1. Part 1: Teaching Reflection

    1. Part 1: Sensory Awareness in Nature - Video Teaching

    2. Part 2: Sensory Aliveness Nature Meditation

    1. Part 1: Somatic Experiencing to Heal Trauma

About this course

  • $108.00
  • 55 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content